Fracture NOF Case Presentation

CASE PRESENTATION INTRODUCTION: Fracture of the neck of the femur is an important injury for many reasons. Ø It is common and the incidence is increasing. Ø It is not always easy to diagnose. Ø Fractures can occur in all age groups but the majority of are caused by falls in the elderly and the fracture usually occurs through osteoporotic bone. An understanding of fractured neck of femur requires an understanding of falls and osteoporosis. ( women > men) Ø Patients with this injury often have many co-morbidities and the fracture has a substantial mortality rate. Management of this injury is often used as a model for management of acute problems in the elderly. Ø Pathophysiology ü healing potential § femoral neck is intracapsular, bathed in synovial fluid § lacks periosteal layer § callus formation limited, which affects healing Ø...