CONGENITAL RADIAL-ULNAR SYNOSTOSIS INTRODUCTION: Synostosis, or osseous union, of any two adjacent bones can involve any part of the upper extremity. In 1793, Sandifort provided the initial description of congenital radial-ulna synositis . This condition is caused by a failure of segmentation between the radius and the ulna. Synositis between the radius and ulna can take two general forms: Congenital and post-traumatic v Forearm begins as a single cartilaginous and divides from distal to proximal into the radius and ulna in the 7th week in utero. v Failure of differentiation results in synostosis in proximal aspect of the forearm. v 60% of the cases are BILATERAL. v Male are more affected than Female (3:2) ANATOMY; SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Ø Painles...