
MPFL Case Discussion

MPFL Reconstruction Case Presentation Introduction & Background:                         The medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) is a band of retinacular tissue connecting the femoral medial epicondyle to the medial edge of the patella. The MPFL is approximately 55 mm long, and its width has been reported to range from 3 to 30 mm. The MPFL is overlaid by the distal part of vastus medialis obliquus to a variable extent, and fibers of MPFL merge into the deep aspect of the muscle. Despite the MPFL being very thin, it had a mean tensile strength of 208 N, and has been reported to be the primary passive restraint to patellar lateral displacement. Lateral patellar displacement tests in vitro showed that the patella subluxed most easily at 20 degrees knee flexion. The contribution of the MPFL to resisting patellar lateral subluxation was greatest in the extended ...


CASE PRESENTATION OF  TYPE COLLES’ FRACTURE INTRODUCTION:            This (Colles’ Fx) kind of fracture is very common. In fact, the radius is the most commonly broken bone in the arm. The break usually happens when you fall and land on your outstretched hands. It can also happen in any other types of fracture. Sometimes, the other forearm bone (ulna) is also broken. When this happens, it is called as a distal ulna fracture.            This fracture was described by an Irish surgeon and anatomist, Abraham Colles, in 1814; hence the name, Colles’ fracture. ANATOMY: CLASSIFICATION: Frykman classification is based on joint involvement (radiocarpal and/or radioulnar) +/- ulnar styloid fracture. AO classification:   PATIENT INFORMATION: Ø   Patient - ‘X’ Ø   Age - 63 years/ Female Ø   Date of A...